Child Find Guidance

Child Find is a federal mandate under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It requires local education agencies (LEAs), which include public school districts and charter schools, to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities residing within their jurisdictions who need special education and related services. (34 CFR §300.111—Child find)
Child Find is a continuous process of public awareness activities.
A student identified through child find is not automatically guaranteed services under IDEA. First, a full and individual initial evaluation (FIIE) of the child must be conducted.
Whom do I contact?
If you are concerned about a student’s learning, contact your local school campus, district, or charter school. If you need assistance locating your local education agency, contact your regional Education Service Center (ESC) or the Child Find, Evaluation and ARD Supports Network located at Region 4 ESC.