ARD/IEP Supports

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Displaying 11 - 20 of 85

Deaf/Hard of Hearing, ARD/IEP Supports, Deafblind

Applying Learning

This course asks you to apply your knowledge from this course series by submiting IEP PLAAFPs, goals, and objectives for one student who is DHH.

Deaf/Hard of Hearing, ARD/IEP Supports, Deafblind

Writing the PLAAFP

This course reviews recommendations and samples of PLAAFP statements for students who are DHH.

ARD/IEP Supports, Assistive Technology, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Deafblind, Inclusion

Language and Communication Focused IEPs

This 11-part course program series is intended to prepare educators and school administrators on how to use the IEP Discussion Guide in the best way possible. Each course covers a chapter in the IEP Discussion Guide.
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